A NEW recruitment drive has been launched to help tackle a significant issue with missed bin collections across the Borders, it has emerged.

In recent weeks there has been increased public frustration at the number of missed collections of general and food waste.

Vehicle breakdowns, a shortage of workers and staff absence have been factors in the problem.

Now it has emerged that Scottish Borders Council (SBC) is attempting to tackle the issues with staff recruitment and other measures.

SBC is seeking to fill 13 vacancies, made-up of four HGV drivers and nine loaders.

Vacant posts have been advertised and initial interviews took place on Thursday (October 31).

The council had five applicants for the driver posts and 20 applicants for relief loader posts.

To speed up the recruitment process SBC has also agreed with HR that verbal references can be utilised.

Further action to address the ongoing problems has included the use of agency staff and relief staff, together with the purchase of new vehicles.

An SBC spokesperson said: “Fleet services has recently taken delivery of six new refuse collection vehicles at a cost of over £1.2 million.

“Four vehicles have been put into frontline service and the remaining vehicles are expected to be out within the next week.

“This will help improve the fleet reliability and reduce our reliance on hire vehicles.”

Meanwhile, a request for volunteers to cover three drivers and three loaders is currently being relayed to frontline staff across the council’s infrastructure and environment department (I&E).

Re-allocating resources will impact other services, but it has been agreed that waste collection and winter maintenance are the “highest priority services for I&E as we head towards winter”.

Additionally, contact was made with Neil William’s Haulage, a third-party refuse collection provider in Edinburgh, to see if they can provide HGV drivers.

The council spokesperson added: “Unfortunately, they are facing the same challenge as us and are unable to help.

“Contact has been made with Border Machinery Ring regarding provision of HGV drivers. We are currently awaiting feedback.”