TOUGH Kingsland Primary pupils put their best feet forward tackling the steep Sware climb during the school’s sponsored walk.

About 340 pupils, from the early learning centre (ELC) to P7 and 40 adults including staff and family volunteers walked a combined distance of 1,500 miles during the event.

A parent council spokesperson said: “It was a beautiful sunny day in Peebles and there were lots of smiling faces and happy chatter along the way.

“Thanks to all the Peebles people who waved, wished us a good morning or patiently waited for us to cross the roads.

“We hope seeing so many children out and about brightened up their day.” 

The ELC pupils completed a mile in the school grounds. 

P1-3 followed part of the Tweed, through Haylodge Park and along to the far end of Whitestone Park, stopping at the stands for their snack break and then back to school.

The youngsters met several walkers along their way who kindly gave donations into their buckets which delighted them. 

P4-7 walked to the Sware, via Haylodge and Edderston Road.

They stopped for a snack and water break on the Sware before returning to school, through the woods and fields, coming into town at Southpark.

The spokesperson added: “It was very warm but the children did so well to walk the distance and climb the unforgiving hill up past Edderston Livery Yard.

“They all enjoyed taking in the view, while having their snack and pointing out the  school building and other prominent landmarks of Peebles, from this vantage point.

“The children raised a collective £4,370.93 through their sponsorship forms and donations to the justgiving page.

“The parent council and school staff alike are absolutely delighted and are so proud of the pupils brilliant efforts on the day and fundraising.

“The parent council would like to express their gratitude to all the adult helpers who volunteered, without whom this would not have been possible and such a sum would not have been raised.”

The money goes towards planned playground improvements and it is hoped £10,000 will be raised this year.

A proportion will also go to other parent council expenditure such as P3-7 swimming lessons and social events for pupils. 

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