FUNDING bids for almost £15,000 from four Borders organisations had to be stood down after not enough councillors attended a meeting.

Chair councillor Tom Weatherston apologised to the organisations in attendance at the online meeting of the Cheviot Area Partnership on Wednesday (September 18).

He said: “I’m sorry to say we’re going to have to cancel tonight’s meeting because we’re not quorate, we have not got enough Scottish Borders Council elected members and I sincerely apologise for that.

“To the people who are waiting for funding we are going to try very, very hard to arrange a meeting for next week to get these decisions taken.”

Funding bids totally £14,892 were to have been considered at the meeting, with a funding panel recommending that they all be approved.

Kelso Amateur Operatic Society was seeking £5,000 to support the costs of hiring the the town’s Tait Hall for the operatic society’s next production.

QME Care want £5,000 to support the costs of providing food and refreshments for those attending Place & Space Day opportunities.

Ancrum Community Council had requested £467 for the purchase of a generator and Jerry cans.

And Jedburgh Tourism Alliance has made an application for £4,425 to fund information points for display in the town, a website update and the design and printing of posters to promote local activity and events.