EXPANSION has been rubber-stamped at a booming high-class holiday complex on woodland near Lauder.

Early in 2023 three holiday lodges were completed west of Woodheads Farm, with two 2-bedroom and one 1-bed properties being built.

Demand for all three lodges has been strong and the owners, Mr and Mrs Davison of Woodheads Farm, submitted an application to Scottish Borders Council (SBC) for a second phase of the ‘Castleview Lodges’ project with three more properties proposed.

A report approving the application, from SBC’s lead planning officer Julie Hayward, states: “The council encourages a variety of holiday accommodation and this development would contribute to that aim.

“The principle of a lodge development has been accepted in this rural location in the past and this proposal would see the expansion of an existing holiday lodge development.

“Phase 1 of the development has demonstrated that the accommodation provided would be of a high-quality set within an attractive woodland location.

“The site is well located, being close to Lauder for shops and facilities, to the A68, A697 and Southern Upland Way for access and to attractions within the Borders, Lothians and Edinburgh.”

A report with the application, submitted by Kelso-based land agent FBR Seed, says: “Phase 1 has proven to be a success, with a strong booking percentage from opening and into the future, most months comfortably exceeding the 60 per cent target Visit Scotland recommended we budget for.

“The properties are let with the assistance of a letting agent who has seen the potential from the site and recommended to Mr & Mrs Davison that they see an unmet market locally for a lower-cost yet high-class accommodation, which we aim to meet with phase 2.”

Woodheads Farm is located to the south-west of the Borders town of Lauder, adjacent to Lauderdale Golf Course, and comprises a mixed arable and livestock farming enterprise with large woodland compartments throughout.

The report adds: “By offering smaller units, the aim of Phase 2 is to continue to offer high-class accommodation but at a lower rental level, meeting demand not otherwise met in the locality.”