MUSICIANS are banging the drum about Nomad Beat’s free Big Music Day at the Eastgate Theatre.

The musical charity’s daytime event on Saturday (August 10) from 11am to 5pm is supported by a paid-for family ceilidh the same evening at 7pm.

A Nomad Beat spokesperson said: “Nomad Beat musicians will pluck the strings and create a crescendo in the theatre’s auditorium, studio, café and, weather permitting outside.”

Doreen Graham MBE, the chair of Nomad Beat, is very excited about what the day offers.

She said: “The morning starts at 11am with a music demo of what might be our happiest outreach project, ‘Memory Lane Music’, which involves anyone diagnosed with dementia, and their carers taking part and enjoying the music they danced and sang to in their youth.

“At noon, for anyone who has always fancied learning to play an instrument, there’s a chance to try out different musical instruments and to meet some of our tutors.

“The day is packed with live music ranging from the unusual ‘Bus Pass Boyband’ at 2pm, traditional folk from ‘Celtic Beat’ at 3pm, to alternative rock from ‘8 Days’ at 4pm.

“The daytime events are all free, but donations would certainly be appreciated.

“Music can touch and change the lives of people and this was just one aspect of the charity’s founder, the late Alison Cameron’s vision.

“The Peebles based music school opened in 2010 and since then, many people have worked and volunteered to keep Alison’s dream alive and provided music tuition to hundreds of Tweeddale people.

“Nomad Beat offers accessible music making and tuition to all who want it and benefits members of the community, especially those directly affected by poverty, ill-health and social isolation.

“The school provides music tuition to people of all ages and abilities across a variety of instruments.

“We also run regular music groups, hire out instruments and equipment and provide rehearsal space for local bands and musicians.”

At 7pm, Nomad Beat has organised a special family ceilidh with music from the ‘Penny Drops’.

Doreen added: “This will be our second family ceilidh and it is sure to be a great fun-filled night for all ages.

“The Ceilidh tickets will support the costs of this event and are pay-what-you-can at £6, £12 or £15, but please book tickets for this at the Eastgate Box Office as we need to know numbers.”

If you would like to know more about the event, call Nomad Beat on 01721 722472, 07859 774006 or email