PUPILS across the Borders have achieved a set of results demonstrating "a picture of consistent achievement", according to a council executive.

The nervous wait was over for many students on Tuesday (August 6) as their SQA marks were published.

The Borders remains in the top quartile nationally in terms of youngsters achieving 'positive destinations' – including higher education, further education, employment, training, personal skills development and voluntary work.

That figure rose from last year to 96.9 per cent, the highest percentage over the last five years.

Around 2,500 pupils gained qualifications at SCQF Levels 2-4.

The overall pass rate (A-C) for S4 pupils at National 5 in 2024 remained consistent with 2023 at 81 per cent.

The S5 attainment at Higher was slightly lower than last year at 77.1 per cent.

Scottish Borders Council’s executive member for education and lifelong learning has paid tribute to the region's young people.

Selkirkshire councillor Leagh Douglas was at Earlston High School on Tuesday with pupils as they received their results.

“I’d like to extend my congratulations to all our young people today," she said. "The results achieved are testament to the remarkable resilience and continued commitment that our young people have demonstrated and they should all be immensely proud of what they have achieved. It is hugely encouraging to see that Scottish Borders has attained a set of results which demonstrates a picture of consistent achievement.

“It is important to remember that every pupil is different and will have their own ambitions and aims. For some, these results will be vital in getting a place at university, and for others they will be an important step towards a job, a modern apprenticeship, further education or simply being able to take their preferred subjects and qualifications in their next school year."

The total number of national qualifications sat across the Borders this year was 13,181 at National 5, 3,765 at Higher at and 592 at Advanced Higher, slightly higher than the previous year.

The council said the results were the "first snapshot of attainment and achievement for the 2023-24 session".

It said a fuller picture would be available later in the year when other qualifications and awards were finalised.

A further update will be given at the Education Sub-Committee meeting in October.

The council said that more young people than ever were attaining success in literacy and numeracy.

Ninety-six per cent of S4 achieved a literacy award, while 94 per cent of S4 achieved a National 5 English award

Eighty-five per cent of S4 attained a numeracy award, with 84 per cent of S4 gaining a National 5 award in maths.

For anyone who is disappointed in any of their results, pupil support information is available at: www.scotborders.gov.uk/examresults and from the Skills Development Scotland helpline on 0808 100 8000.

This is open from 8am to 8pm on Tuesday and Wednesday, and from 9am until 5pm on Thursday and Friday.