IT will be good to talk again across the Borders over the coming weeks as councillors hit the road to ‘pick the brains’ of constituents.

Elected members will soon be taking part in Community Conversations 2024, building on the success of the last two years.

The events, which start in August and continue through September and into October, will give members of the public across the Borders an opportunity to meet and talk to their local councillors and senior officers of the council to discuss what matters to them in their local communities.

Community Conversations are not formal presentations or Q&A sessions, they are planned to facilitate and encourage one to one or small group conversations in a relaxed environment.

Members of the public can drop-in at any time during the evening.

Community Conversations will be held on the following days, all events will start at 6.30pm, except Tweeddale (7pm) and Eildon Area Partnerships (6pm).

Updates will be shared on SBC’s website and social media accounts:

Tuesday, August 13 – Lesser Town Hall, Hawick

Thursday, August 15 – Kelso High School

The venues for the following events are still to be confirmed   

Tuesday, August 20 – Tweeddale Area Partnership – 7pm

Thursday, August 22 – Berwickshire Area partnership

Thursday, September 5 – Eildon Area Partnership – 6pm

Wednesday, September 11 – Lesser Town Hall, Hawick Teviot and Liddesdale Area Partnership

Wednesday, September 18 – Cheviot Area Partnership

Tuesday, September 24 – Tweeddale Community Conversation

Wednesday, September 25 – Berwickshire Community Conversation

Thursday, October 3 – Eildon Community Conversation