A BARN again proposal for Tweedsmuir has been submitted to Scottish Borders Council.

Planning in principle is being sought to demolish an old corrugated steel barn and replace it with a new home.

The building in the countryside application relates to a lightweight steel and timber frame barn with a barrel-vaulted roof south of Menzion Farm.

The barn was built when the whole of the Menzion estate was under sheep grazing.

The great majority of the land was sold for forestry in 1970, and the remaining grazing attached to Menzion Farm amounts to just 40 acres.

A report with the application states: “This scale of farm does not require the use of the existing barn, especially now that the making of silage is favoured over haymaking.

“The proposed dwelling will replace an existing building, minimising the visual impact of the proposal.

“Furthermore, the topography and existing trees limit its visibility to a small local area.

“The new dwelling will not feel out of place in the countryside, being close to other buildings in a location with a distinct sense of place.

“The site is already developed and the proposal will have no adverse effect on nature conservation.”