A PEEBLES law firm was one of the highest donators across the UK in an annual will-writing campaign.

Blackwood & Smith LLP raised a “staggering” £5,890 by taking part in charity initiative Will Aid.

Employees volunteered their time and expertise to write wills and, instead of charging their usual fees, invited clients to make a donation.

This year’s effort brings the firm’s total donations to £38,571.

Fiona Fleming, from the firm, said: “The entire team was very proud to take part in the Will Aid 2023 campaign. Will Aid has a dual purpose of encouraging people to have their will drafted by a solicitor whilst at the same time raising money for charity.

“Our belief in the importance of both objectives makes our decision to participate in the Will Aid campaign an easy one. Will Aid is a fantastic scheme and one which we are extremely proud to take part in.

“We are delighted to be able to provide people with this important service and we are proud to support such brilliant charities who work tirelessly to support vulnerable people both here in the UK and abroad who are facing challenging times.”

Jonathan Chase, chair of Will Aid, said: “Huge congratulations to the team at Blackwood & Smith LLP for raising such a staggering amount this year. It’s amazing that so many solicitors give their time to volunteer so generously, using their expertise to help people gain peace of mind by getting a professionally written will while fundraising for our incredible charities who do such crucial and life-changing work in the UK and around the world.

“On behalf of all the partner charities, a massive thank you and well done to Blackwood & Smith LLP and all the firms who have taken part this year.”

The money raised during Will Aid is shared among its partner charities, which include Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save the Children, SCIAF and Trócaire.

Will Aid takes place every November. To meet the continued demand each year, Will Aid needs more solicitors to take part. For more information, please visit: www.willaid.org.uk