A PENSIONER from Coldingham who admitted a drink -driving offence has been banned from the road for 12 months at Jedburgh Sheriff Court.

Seventy-one-year-old Rhoderick Davidson pleaded guilty to driving with a breath/alcohol count of 57 microgrammes – the legal limit being 22 – in High Street, Coldingham, on the afternoon of June 9.

Prosecutor India McLean said that at around 5pm police were made aware from a member of the public that the accused was driving while under the influence of alcohol.

He was found in the post office car park and after a roadside breath test proved positive was taken to Hawick Police Station.

Davidson told the court he had mobility issues and after some drinks had driven the car the 400 yards distance home. 

But he was spotted “by someone who dislikes me” and the police were called.

In addition to the disqualification period, he was fined £500 with a £20 victim surcharge.