THE organisers of a successful charity event in Tweeddale have highlighted the work of volunteers and supporters in bringing the event to life.

The Catwalk Cabaret event at the Peebles Hydro raised funds for the Eastgate Theatre last month.

Maureen Anderson, one of the organisers, said that after reading an article in the Peeblesshire News in 2023 stating that the arts venue was in a “perilous situation”, she decided to raise much-needed funds for the local cultural hub.

Through the event, Maureen and her fellow volunteers raised more than £9,000 for the Eastgate.

Ms Anderson said: “What a night. Fun, joy and community spirit at its best – we had a ball in the Ballroom.”

At the time of publication, the Catwalk Cabaret has raised £8,600 (total after costs covered) – with an additional donation expected shortly.

Thanking all those involved, Ms Anderson said: “Initially, my thanks must go to Harriet Bowes-Lyon who approached Stephen Leckie, owner of Peebles Hydro Hotel, to sponsor the event and Gilbert Archer and Catriona Fraser of The John M Archer Charitable Trust, who provided everyone with a glass of fizz on arrival.

“I also appreciated the support of Lauren Henderson and her team who supported the event professionally and with enthusiasm.

“It was a huge undertaking and team effort, so the list of people to thank is lengthy.

“Thanks must go to everyone who attended all planning meetings, in particular Anne McKinnon who capably kept us on track.

“Also to the managers of the Red Cross, Cancer Research and Save The Children shops for their help, trust and willingness to support the fundraiser by providing a selection of pre-loved clothes; alongside Steffy’s Boutique who supplied vintage, pre-loved clothes, accessories and donated a percentage of her sales to the Eastgate.”

She added: “Fee Nicoll approached professional artists who, in turn, provided bespoke items for our auction.

“The High Street retailers also donated many desirable raffle prizes. There were generous personal donations made by individuals and the Royal Bank of Scotland staff held a very last minute bake sale raising £200 to add to the pot.

“My thanks also to Lemon Digital for the Catwalk posters, Boyd Wild for photography and Dominic Davies for video footage.

“A group of people made an enormous contribution to the success of the evening itself and I couldn’t have done it without their support.

“Alex Saunders, Stewart Wilson, Steve Lee, Colin Macdonald, all the amazing models, some members of Innerleithen Amateur Operatic Society, Sandra and Fiona, Jaz and Felix, Eastgate staff and backstage volunteers were invaluable.

“Carlops Jazz Band made sure we danced until home time.

“Last but not least, a huge thank you to all of those who attended the charity event and gave so generously.”

This newspaper previously reported that Ms Anderson was a dancer and volunteered for the British Heart Foundation.

It was also reported that the clothes featured in the event were auctioned.

We would like to clarify these details which were supplied to us.

Ms Anderson attends adult dance classes by Sara Boles at the Eastgate and she is not a volunteer for the British Heart Foundation.

In addition, the clothes featured in the Catwalk Cabaret were sold at the event on behalf of the charity shops at ticketed prices and were not up for auction.