SENTENCE has been deferred for good behaviour on a rugby coach who pulled down his trousers and exposed himself to a video doorbell before putting a cigarette through the letterbox of a house.

Thirty-seven-year-old Graham Colville had been making his way home from a night out in Hawick on October 29 last year when he asked another male to record his antics on a mobile phone.

Jedburgh Sheriff Court heard the house occupier – a 69-year-old man – was unknown to him at the time. 

The pensioner had been asleep at the property which was also occupied by his daughter. 

Police were alerted when he later discovered the discarded cigarette and viewed the footage. 

Colville, of Hassendean Court, Hawick, admitted a charge of breach of the peace after having a night out in the nearby Station Bar.

Prosecutor India McLean told a previous hearing how Colville pulled down his lower clothing and handled his private parts in the presence of two others, “knowing his conduct was likely to be filmed and video recorded by a doorbell video camera” at the front door of the house. 

After being quizzed by police, he replied: “I’m sorry.”

Defence lawyer Liam Burke described his client’s behaviour as “out of character”, and claimed he had been “egged on” by the two people he was with. 

But he pointed out Colville has since been prescribed medication to help him get to sleep due to “his guilt and remorse”, and now no longer drinks alcohol. 

Mr Burke said his client was currently suspended by the Scottish Rugby Union from coaching youngsters until the outcome of the case. 

The court was told that Colville had already paid £500 in compensation to the pensioner.

Sheriff Kevin McCarron said an absolute discharge would not be suitable in the case.

But he decided to defer sentence for six months for good behaviour so that Colville could demonstrate the offence was “out of character”.

The case will recall on December 30.