ALTHOUGH the weather in the Borders isn't particularly 'summery' at the moment, NHS Borders is encouraging people to keep hydrated this summer.

Keeping hydrated during the warmer months is essential for maintaining bodily functions, supporting brain function, and recovering when unwell.

Hydration also supports your body in its joint and muscle function, prevents UTIs (urinary tract infections), kidney stones, and constipation.

The risk of dehydration increases in the summer and can lead to health complications such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Acting quickly when you recognise the symptoms of dehydration can help you avoid becoming unwell.

Some of the key signs of dehydration include:

  • Feeling thirsty
  • Dark coloured or small amounts of urine
  • Headaches
  • Tiredness
  • Dry mouth, lips or eyes
  • Constipation
  • Urinary tract infections

Dr Sohail Bhatti, director of public health at NHS Borders, said: “Staying hydrated is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to support our health, particularly during the summer months.

"Dehydration can lead to serious health issues, but with conscious effort it is entirely preventable.

"By making hydration a priority, we can improve our physical and mental wellbeing, support our recovery when ill and enjoy the summer more safely.

"I strongly encourage everyone to monitor their fluid intake and help friends, family and colleagues do the same.”

To help you stay hydrated NHS Borders has created a list of top tips for good hydration this summer:

  • Carry a water bottle and take regular sips
  • Encourage others to stay hydrated and hold each other accountable
  • Aim to drink at least eight cups or mugs of fluid daily. Any fluid except alcohol counts, including milk, water, tea, coffee and fruit juice
  • Alternate caffeine-containing drinks like tea, coffee, and energy drinks with water or juice, as caffeinated drinks can contribute to dehydration if consumed in large quantities
  • Eat hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption, as drinking alcohol can cause dehydration