Students from nine high schools across the Scottish Borders are the latest ambassadors to join the Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) Borders.

The announcement was made during the DYW Borders Celebration Event on June 18 at the Scottish Borders Campus in Galashiels to inaugurate the S6 students.

They will represent student voices for DYW Borders and improve engagement with the programme within their respective schools.

Sacha Hepburn, a newly appointed ambassador, said: "I am super excited to take on this new opportunity in S6.

"I am really looking forward to working with the ambassadors from the other schools to help people discover new pathways and decide what they want to do with their futures."

The new ambassadors are expected to take part in DYW Borders activities and initiatives throughout the year to encourage career readiness among their peers.

Presentations at the Celebration Event were from various stakeholders including a local business leader, an acting head teacher, and an S6 student.

Attendees had the chance to participate in an interactive workshop and network, nurturing relationships supporting career development, and business and community expansion.

Kevin Greenfield, programme manager of DYW Borders, said: "These ambassadors are not just representatives of their schools, but also the broader potential of our young people here in the Borders.

"Their selection is a testament to their capabilities and the confidence we have in them to lead and inspire their peers."

DYW Borders plays a role in narrowing the gap between education and employment in the Scottish Borders.