IT has been another “outstanding” year for Peebles Beltane Festival.

Year on year the Beltane Committee has promised to make the next year’s festival “bigger and better” than the last.

And they have successfully kept their promise.

The week-long celebrations welcomed huge crowds to all of the events with smiles all around from principals, locals and visitors.

And successfully leading the celebrations was Cornet Reuben Sterricks and his sister Rianna who joined him as his Lass.

Paul Spence, chairman of the Peebles Beltane Committee, said: “In a word, outstanding, that’s how I saw Beltane 2024.

“From the Sunday opening in the Parish Church, the only event affected by the weather, to the wonderful Beat Retreat on Saturday evening.

“Every night seemed to be filled with excitement and fun; every night you could hear children and adults laughing and just having a fantastic time.

“Lady Reverend Pamela started the week with the uplifting theme of bringing light into your life and that happy theme continued throughout the week.

“Cornet Reuben led the cavalcade of horses with great comfort and enthusiasm. He was a natural. Rianna beamed radiantly all week.

“She just couldn’t turn off her smile. And why not, they had such great week. All of them supported to their fullest by Robert, Ailidh, Iain, Becca, Andrew and Natalie as they took their duties throughout the week.

“Sir Hew delivered a thought-provoking and well-worded address and continued to support the principals and his wife through the week.

“Proclaimer of the Fair and Reader of the Boundaries Fiona Morris was amazed with the level of detail that the Beltane Festival involved.

“As the week went on her voice began to fade with all the cheering.

“Fortunately it held out for her participation at the Mercat Cross as she Proclaimed the Beltane Fair.”

Mr Spence also praised the “exceptional” array of costumes on display at this year’s Beltane Fancy Dress on Friday (June 21).

He said: “There seemed to be so many entrants.

“One of the biggest parades in many a year.

“As well as a great parade the Rugby Club and YM dancers added to what was a brilliant atmosphere.”

Then Red Letter Day returned with the sun shining on Peebles for the occasion.

Huge crowds gathered along the High Street to see the local children parade to the Parish Church steps before the Grand Parade after Beltane Queen Lucy Crombie was crowned.

Mr Spence added: “What can I say about Saturday. All the children were fantastic and a credit to their schools and their parents.

“The Crowning Ceremony where Lucy Crombie was crowned Beltane Queen 2024 happened bang on 10am.

“Then a great and enthusiastic Grand Parade.

“I think the looks on the faces of the children and the joy they were having was second to none.

“Where else can you get this excitement than at the Beltane Festival?”

Peebles Beltane is not an event which is organised overnight.

There is a whole team of volunteers spending their spare time throughout the year planning for the most important week in Peebles’ calendar.

Sharing his thanks to this wonderful team of volunteers, Mr Spence said: “Of course we couldn’t do this without the help of all the volunteers, teachers and parents who help us manage our events all week.

“Without them we just couldn’t do it. However, the main reason the Beltane runs so well is because of teamwork. The Beltane Committee and its supporters work hard all year.

“And this year the result of that hard work was very evident.

“The Beltane Committee deserves great credit.”

The Beltane Committee, now taking a well-deserved break, looks forward to welcoming crowds again next year (June 15-21).