BORDERS councillors are being urged to give their support to a new British Sign Language (BSL) plan for 2024 to 2030.

When members of the full council meet next Thursday, they will be recommended to endorse the new document.

The most recent estimate is that there are more than 220 people in the Borders using BSL as a language over English.

Now Scottish Borders Council and NHS Borders have put together the six-year plan.

It aims to “ensure that people whose first or preferred language is BSL are empowered to exercise their rights in accessing council and NHS Borders services they need and staff are fully responsive to their needs”.

A further aim is “to make Scotland the best place in the world for BSL users to live, work, visit and learn”.

The council and NHS Borders held a number of face-to-face consultations over the plan from January to April 2024.

A report to full council says: “The BSL (Scotland) Act 2015 now requires public bodies in Scotland to publish plans every six years, showing how they will promote and support BSL.

“The BSL Plan has been developed with the help of the Scottish Borders Deaf Community, with a focus on children and young people, to encourage the take up of BSL within schools and college, and to encourage young people to celebrate their culture and most importantly access the services they need.”