HUNDREDS of people massed in front of a dais by the Old Parish Church witnessed the installation of this year’s Peebles Beltane Festival’s Cornet and Lass.

A week ago the forecast was dire, for high winds and a continuation of the heavy rain which has plagued this June.

But Wednesday was fine and the ceremony was held in the sun.

As tradition dictates, last year’s Cornet Robert Girdwood has to hand back the Burgh Standard, “unsullied and untarnished”, before the installation of this year’s Cornet Reuben Sterricks and his Lass sister Rianna.

But the most moving moments of the opening ceremony were when last year’s Cornet’s Lass Ailidh Copeland spoke.

She said: “Thank you to Robert for taking me as his Lass.

“We have both well and truly made the most of our year in office, travelling round the Borders towns, taking part in the festivals, ride outs and traditions.

“There are so many memories we have made, that we will cherish forever and hope that we have done our town proud.

“I cannot put into words how moving this experience has been and I will treasure it for life.

“Reuben, enjoy every moment tonight and always take a minute to look back.”

Ailidh’s voice cracked and she was choked with emotion as she added: “Rianna, I am so glad to be by your side throughout the year. We have had an absolute blast so far and I have truly made a friend for life.

“You are doing an amazing job this year, I cannot wait to make more memories together, on horseback or on the dance floor.

“Finally safe oot and safe in to everyone riding tonight.”

Beltane chairman Paul Spence praised Ailidh and Robert, and said: “When you stood here in 2023 you both made promises to our communities and we thanking you for keeping those promises.

“You were dedicated ambassadors for our town and the future of Peebles Beltane Festival.

“Ailidh, you supported Robert and glowed with pride as you travelled far and near supporting our town.”

Moving onto the installations of Cornet and Lass, Mr Spence said: “Reuben Sterricks, you have been given a much sought-after privilege to experience the leading role in our festival as Cornet 2024.

“I can confidently acknowledge that you are bursting with passion, pride and enthusiasm since becoming Cornet Elect.

“Tonight, Reuben, it is your turn, you will become a Cornet and be responsible for leading the the celebrations and traditions of this Royal and Ancient Burgh.

“Reuben Sterricks, it is my pleasure, on behalf of the Beltane Committee, to install you as Peebles Cornet 2024.

“Rianna Sterricks, 11 years ago you were in front of this Parish Church for a different reason as you were crowned Beltane Queen.”

Mr Spence said that Rianna became an experienced and keen horse rider to help support her ambition to become Cornet’s Lass.

“Rianna, tonight you will fulfil that duty, you are about to start on a journey which will live long in your memory, along with Reuben I charge you to continue to take forward the good name of Peebles.”

In reply, Reuben said: “I hope everyone will have a night to remember with us.

“I would like to congratulate Robert and Ailidh for their year in office, you have both done an excellent job, thank you.

“Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be standing here with the Burgh Standard, knowing my name will be carried every Wednesday night for years to come.

“Following in the steps of some amazing Cornets from the best toun in the Borders.”

Rianna added: “I feel very honoured to be standing here tonight alongside my brother.

“Reuben, I can’t thank you enough for asking me to be your Lass.

“Mum and Dad, what can I say? Thank you for encouraging Reuben and I to chase our dreams.

“It is because of you both that we have learned to love our town and our Beltane Festival.”