A LEADING supermarket has been granted approval from Scottish Borders Council to expand its existing outlet in Galashiels.

Floorspace at Aldi’s store in King Street will be expanded by 20 per cent and the car park is to be expanded into an area to the south occupied by an industrial building, demolition of which has also been approved.

The company says the plans represent a “significant investment” in the store and will also help improve the offer to shoppers.

A report submitted with the application said: “Aldi are pleased to be able to submit this detailed planning application to seek approval for the layout and design of the proposed extension to front of their existing store in Galashiels.

“These proposals present a significant investment by Aldi and are a sign of their long-term commitment to the local area and further contributes to improving the quality and experience for shoppers in this part of the Scottish Borders.

“The proposals include the modest extension of the Aldi store to increase the sales floorspace of the unit, the delivery of a new store entrance and customer facilities internally, alongside associated alterations to the car parking and landscaping to accommodate these changes.”

The extension would be located to the north-east elevation of the existing store. It is proposed that it will be similar in form and external appearance as the current building.

In addition to the extension to the store itself, additional car parking spaces will be created by the demolition of the existing building to the south of the store alongside reconfiguration of the existing car park. Additional new parking and landscaping is proposed in this area, alongside an appropriate

lighting scheme.

In his report approving the application, Carlos Clarke, SBC’s lead planning officer, says: “The proposals would not give rise, in my interpretation, to land use conflicts above those that may already arise from the existing use.

“The proposed extension and external works, including car parking, would not undermine neighbouring amenity by a determinative extent, as regards privacy, daylight, outlook or sunlight.”