INSPECTORS encountered a “calm, nurturing and welcoming” environment at a Peebles primary school during a recent visit.

The Education Scotland report on Halyrude Primary School published on Tuesday (June 18) recognised several key strengths in the school’s work.

During a visit in April this year, inspectors talked to parents/carers and young people and worked closely with the headteacher and her staff.

Inspectors found friendly, articulate children who are proud of their school and who participate very well in learning.

They also found effective teamwork of all staff and very positive relationships between adults and children across the school. Staff have developed calm, purposeful learning environments that support children well.

The effective approaches to digital technology were found to support learning and teaching and shared learning with parents.

Two areas for improvement were identified and discussed with the headteacher and a representative from Scottish Borders Council.

Firstly, to continue to develop approaches to planning of learning and teaching to ensure tasks and activities are appropriately matched to all children’s level of ability.

Additionally, to continue to raise children’s attainment. This should include teachers continuing to work together to develop further their shared understanding of national standards.

Headteacher Leigh Brunton said: “I am delighted that the recent visit by His Majesty’s Inspectors of Education has highlighted the calm, nurturing and welcoming environment in Halyrude.

“They recognised the very positive relationships between adults and children, the friendly articulate children who are proud of their school, and our effective use of digital technology.

“The strong teamwork between children, staff, parents and our wider school community has ensured purposeful learning environments where children engage very well in learning and contribute positively to the life of the school.

“Our inspection report highlights the hard work and dedication of the Halyrude school community, and we look forward to building on this success together.”

Halyrude Parent Council chair Jo Dubé added: ” As a parent I am delighted with this report. I feel if accurately sums up the strengths of our school. The relationships between staff and pupils are excellent and I really feel that any child would benefit from the opportunities granted by our school.”

Inspectors are confident that the school has the capacity to continue to improve and will make no more visits in connection with this inspection.