A PROPOSAL to mothball a Borders primary school will be considered next week.

Members of Scottish Borders Council’s Education Sub Committee are being  asked to agree the temporary closure of St Joseph’s RC Primary School in Selkirk due to a “significant drop” in the number of children attending.

At the start of the 2034/24 school year there were 11 pupils enrolled at the school, which in accordance with Scottish Government regulations equated to a single composite class.

St Joseph’s has the total capacity for 50 pupils but the school roll has been falling year on year.

Currently there are just nine pupils attending the school, none of whom are  registered as being baptised Roman Catholic.

A report to the committee, to meet on Tuesday (June 18) states: “As admissions to St Joseph’s have continued to decline over the last five years it can be extrapolated that demand for the school within the town has unfortunately reduced in that period.

“A school roll at such low levels causes concern regarding the range of curricular and learning opportunities available to the children.

“Accordingly, mothballing is the most reasonable option considered by officers for St Joseph’s RC Primary, based on the current facts and circumstances.”

If the recommendation is agreed, the remaining pupils would be transferred to other Borders schools, with options including St Margaret’s Roman Catholic Primary in Galashiels, Halyrude RC Primary in Peebles and Knowepark Primary in Selkirk.

If mothballing is agreed a review of the school’s status would be held on at least an annual basis.