A SELKIRK man who struck a community councillor with his vehicle has been fined £450 and ordered to pay his victim £100 compensation.

Dominic Browne pleaded guilty to the assault, which happened in the town’s High Street on the evening of October 1.

Selkirk Sheriff Court was told the 54-year-old, of Raeburn Meadow, had got involved in an argument with David Playfair after he took pictures of his van near the Co-op after taking issue with the manner of his parking and things “escalated”.

It followed concerns inconsiderate parking in the area was making it difficult for emergency vehicles to get through.

A passerby asked the community councillor what was happening and, as he turned round to reply, the court was told Browne drove his vehicle into Mr Playfair causing him to be pushed back by the van.

A not guilty plea to a second charge of abusive behaviour and uttering threats of violence was accepted by the Crown.

Defence lawyer Ross Dow pointed out there had been no injury and the van was only travelling at 1mph when it struck Mr Playfair.

Passing sentence, Sheriff Peter Paterson described the situation as “stupid”.

In addition to the fine, Browne – who filmed the row on his mobile phone – was also ordered to pay a £20 victim surcharge.