“UNSUNG heroes” at NHS Borders are celebrated in a new photography exhibition at the region’s main hospital. 

Almost 100 workers were nominated by their colleagues at the end of last year.

Thirty-eight were shortlisted to be photographed by Kenneth Martin and his daughter, Natalie, for the exhibition.

Rachel Treeby, a staff nurse who was nominated to have her photograph taken, said it was a “unique experience”

“It felt so nice to realise that the work I do had been noticed and recognised,” she added.

Louise McIntosh, a senior charge nurse who was also photographed, said that “being nominated felt quite humbling”.

The exhibition was inspired by Kenneth Martin’s 1999 display which marked the 10th anniversary of Borders General Hospital and the 50th anniversary of the NHS. 

The response to some of the portraits circulating on social media recently inspired the new project, undertaken by Sam Marshall, clinical educator at NHS Borders.

Staff were offered the chance to nominate their own hidden heroes – those who they felt had gone above and beyond. 

Those shortlisted saw their portraits unveiled at the NHS Borders Celebrating Excellence Staff Awards event, held in Kelso’s Springwood Park in April.

Ms Marshall said: “I wanted to give something back to colleagues who work under challenging pressures, not just our front-facing staff, our ‘hidden heroes’ behind the scenes who are the engine room of the NHS.”

Sarah Horan, NHS Borders’ director of nursing, midwifery and AHPs, said: “It is so important that we take the time to acknowledge and celebrate our staff, and this project is a fantastic example of that.

“A big thank you to Sam and the team for their enormous efforts to shine a light on our unsung heroes.”

The portraits are now on display at the Borders General Hospital.