CANDIDATES in Tweeddale have set out their stalls after it was confirmed that a general election will be held in July.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak made the announcement on Wednesday (May 22).

Mr Mundell, who has been the MP for the Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale constituency since it was created in 2005, promised his priority was to “represent the interests of all our local communities”.

The Conservative representative said: “At this election I am standing on my record of being a hard-working local MP over the past 19 years and on my promise to work just as hard in the years to come, if Tweeddale residents put their trust in me again.

“I am making a number of specific pledges which I will be taking forward, if, with the support of local people I am re-elected.

“These include getting more action on local road repairs, a greater police presence in our communities, improving access to GP and dental services, investing more in local educational facilities and protecting rural schools.”

At the 2019 General Election, Mr Mundell won with 22,611votes, marking a majority of 3,781 over the SNP.

Mr Mundell added: “At the end of the day, the power is in their hands to either re-elect me or decide instead to elect a pro-independence MP for our area.”

SNP candidate Kim Marshall said she hoped to be a voice for the Tweeddale community if elected this summer.

She said: “One important thing I want people to know is they need to be registered to vote or set up a postal vote.

“We need more investment in our communities. We need to find ways to help people find jobs.

“Young people are leaving for the central belt. Housing is a perennial problem because we do not have particularly large towns so it is quite difficult.

“I pledge to stand up for people in Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale so they are heard.”

Ms Marshall also highlighted the issues around accessing the NHS, farming, and the effects of Brexit on Scotland.

Voters will head to the polls on Thursday, July 4.

The deadline to register to vote is midnight on Tuesday, June 18.

The deadline for registering for a postal vote is Wednesday, June 19, and those wishing to set up a proxy vote should do so by 5pm on Wednesday, June 26.

For more information on registering and setting up postal or proxy votes, visit:

Tweeddale West councillor Drummond Begg has also announced that he will represent the Liberal Democrats at the July 4 election.

The councillor, who also works as a GP in Penicuik, said: “People I speak to are looking for change both in Westminster and Holyrood. They are no longer prepared to keep voting Conservative or SNP and are looking for people with new approaches and new ideas.

“The Liberal Democrats have been overturning massive Conservative majorities in rural areas leaving no seat safe in the UK. In the three most recent council elections the Liberal Democrats have made the biggest gains of all political parties. The south of Scotland has a long liberal and social democratic tradition and many people are coming home.

“I am passionate about having a properly resourced, accessible health and social care system. I believe that we need well-funded schools to nurture our young people.

“We need more urgency in terms of action to achieve net zero in everything we do. I believe we need a strong economy to fund our public services and am tired of politicians who over-promise and under-deliver.”

Also vying for votes this summer is Scottish Greens candidate Dominic Ashmole.

Mr Ashmole said: “Many voters have lost faith in the traditional parties. They don’t want a government that blames refugees and abandons climate action. Nor can they support others who continue promoting false hopes and a reckless growth agenda that has undermined the Earth’s capacity to sustain life.

“Greens recognise that to live through these times, we must move beyond a global system that is fuelled by exploitation and consumerism, and controlled by the super-rich. Last election, the Conservatives only narrowly beat the SNP here, and voters might assume it’s still a two-horse race. But both of those parties have massively lost support since then.

“So I’m asking voters to back a dark, Green horse. Let’s shock the system that is failing us.”

Daniel Coleman will represent Labour at the polls in July.

He said: "For too long the Borders has been the forgotten part of Scotland by our two chaotic Governments.

"All too often I hear stories about people not getting access to a GP or dental appointment or young people not being able to get on the property ladder. Enough is enough. It’s time for change.

"As your MP, I’d be a strong voice for the area. I’d use my experience as a professional economist for the past 17 years to fight for action to tackle the cost-of-living crisis and get the local economy back on track, so you have more money in your pocket, and we can invest in protecting our local NHS.

"With your support we can deliver the change Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale needs on July 4."

Also running in this year's election is David Kirkwood for Reform.

This newspaper has invited Mr Kirkwood to take part in our election coverage.