CONTROVERSIAL development plans at a historic Peebles site will come back under the spotlight next week.

Protestors are involved in a long-running battle with Granton Homes over its bid for a 14-home project at Kingsmeadows House.

The firm is looking to remove the word “except” from the second condition of the planning permission in principle (PPP) it received for the development, due to run out in March 2026.

But objectors, who led a successful campaign to stop mature trees being felled to make way for the project in 2022, say the change will ‘effectively give Granton Homes a further five years’ of PPP.

Scottish Borders Council will discuss the removal request at a planning meeting on Monday (June 3).

The local authority has recommended elected members on the committee to support the amendment to the condition.

It said it would “avoid any perceived confusion and would be more precise”.

A report published ahead of the meeting states: “If members are minded to grant the application, the result would be that a new planning permission in principle would have to be issued.

“Conditions which mirror those applied previously, albeit with condition two varied, should be applied on any new permission.”

Among the conditions attached to any future development on the site are wildlife, archaeological works and a submitted and detailed tree survey.

Kingsmeadows woodland surrounds an 18th-century manor house on the banks of the River Tweed.