A GALASHIELS woman involved in a drunken disturbance with two police officers outside her home has been ordered to pay them £400 in compensation.

Twenty-six-year-old Mhyrren MacKay pleaded guilty to assaulting the two constables by struggling with them and biting one officer and kicking the other on the body during the early morning incident in August last year in Tulley Court.

Depute fiscal Drew Long said there had been calls to police from neighbours about an intoxicated woman shouting and swearing.

When officers arrived on the scene they came across MacKay who was throwing items around and swearing at them.

She entered a door of the property but continued shouting and swearing and when officers tried to force entry to try and engage with her, she but one on the hand and began kicking out at the officers.

Mr Long added that due to the state of her intoxication she was taken to Borders General Hospital to be checked out.

Defence lawyer Ed Hulme said that at the time of the incident things had been going wrong in her personal life and she had been drowning her sorrows.

She had lost her keys to get into her property and a noise complaint had been made to the police.

He added that she was not in a mood to engage with the officers and when one of them touched her on the shoulder she reacted angrily.

Sheriff Kevin McCarron said it was unfortunate to see someone with no previous convictions ending up in court just for drinking too much.

He said she had already been of good behaviour since the incident last year and therefore felt paying £200 to each of the two officers would be appropriate.