A GALASHIELS woman who assaulted a shop worker has been ordered to carry out 160 hours of unpaid work at Selkirk Sheriff Court.

Twenty-nine-year-old Charley Brown, of High Buckholmside, pleaded guilty to the offence which happened at Farmfoods in Bridge Street, Galashiels, on August 30, 2021.

She admitted pushing the woman causing her to strike a door and resulting in her being injured.

The offence was aggravated by the fact it involved a retail worker during the course of their employment.

Prosecutor Drew Long said Brown entered Farmfoods at around 6.45pm and two members of staff recognised her and had concerns she maybe shoplifting.

He explained: "They asked her to leave the store and told her she was not going to be served.

"One of the workers was by the doorway and as she left the store she pushed the member of staff saying: 'I am going to smash your face in'."

Mr Long explained the worker suffered a scrape on her arm after being pushed against the door.

Sheriff Kevin McCarron told Brown retail workers should be allowed to go about their job without having to deal with such incidents.

He imposed a Community Pay Back Order with 200 hours of unpaid work reduced to 160 hours due to the guilty plea.