BONNIE Peebles Plus has taken the decision to rebrand its gardening group as Floral Peebles.

Both Bonnie Peebles Plus and Bonnie Peebles carry out work on the town's flower beds.

But at times it is confusing as to who is due the credit and possibly financial support.

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There have been two groups in operation for three years, each designing there allocated gardens round the town.

The need for a rebrand came apparent after nine months of planning the gardens to celebrate the UCI festival.

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Volunteer John Falla said: “The first person to congratulate me declared that Bonnie Peebles do a great job.

“Bonnie Peebles had a successful coffee morning. Then two days later the comment was 'you will be able to buy a lot of plants with that, John'.

“The task of keeping Peebles beautiful definitely demands two teams so I am pleased to confirm there are still two – Floral Peebles and Bonnie Peebles.

“We were delighted that the Tontine and Barony Castle Hotels sponsored our new high vis vests.

“If you feel you could support Floral Peebles either as a volunteer or financially please contact myself, John, on 07707 658 529.”