THIS is Organ and Tissue Donation Week and NHS Borders are encouraging you to leave no doubt when it comes to your donation decision.

 In Scotland, everyone has a choice when it comes to organ and tissue donation - to be a donor, or to opt out.

 If people aged 16 and over choose to do nothing, it is assumed they agree to be a donor if they die in circumstances where donation is possible, unless they are in a group for whom the opt out system does not apply, or it would be against their views.

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Registering your decision and sharing it with loved ones is important to make it easier for family and friends to honour your decision.

Richard from the Borders received a liver transplant after becoming suddenly ill in 2015, for which the only cure was a transplant.

Richard is now a grandpa, and shared his gratitude for those willing to donate, saying “I would never have been a grandpa but for the kindness and humanity of the donor and their family. They gave me a second chance at life.”

 For Glennis from the Borders, a conversation her late husband had with a friend where he said he would want to be a donor meant that when he died, she was able to honour his decision.

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Glennis said this experience made her think “that we should all have the [organ and tissue donation] conversation with our family.”

She said: “doing this made me aware that life can go on in others, that my husband didn’t die in vain - another two people got their lives back. I am so proud of him.”

She added: “make the decision, have a conversation with your family and friends and sign on to the organ donor register.”

Lynsey told us that after she was diagnosed with Primary Biliary Cholangitis she did not respond to the medication. 

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As a result, she progressed quickly to Stage 4 Liver Cirrhosis. Receiving a liver transplant saved her life.

She said: “Receiving this amazing gift from someone has not only saved my life, it’s given my son his mum back and my husband his wife. The difference is already amazing, although still in recovery I’m doing so much better than I could have hoped for.”

She added: “Anyone considering opting in on the register please do, it’s the biggest most amazing gift you could ever give, transforms lives and gives families hope of a future that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.”

Harriet Campbell, Non-Executive Director and Organ and Tissue Donation Champion at NHS Borders said: “Whatever your decision, please take the time to register it. Don’t leave your loved ones in doubt and give them the chance to honour your decisions.

“In Scotland, around 500 people on average are waiting on an organ transplant, however only around one percent of people die in a way that makes organ donation possible, which means every opportunity for donation is precious.”

Help make Organ and Tissue Donation Week count. Register your donation decision and find out more at or by calling 0300 123 2323