IN RESPONSE to local concerns around speeding motorists, Scottish Borders Community Action Team (CAT) is undertaking a number of days of enforcement action.

The team is focusing their efforts outside schools at relevant times, and on other locations within built-up areas where there is evidence of a collision history where injuries have been sustained.

The issue of speeding was raised at a meeting of the CAT Oversight Group - a monthly meeting between a group of cross party Councillors, Council officers and Police Scotland’s CAT sergeants to agree priority tasks for the coming month.

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Key data and associated analysis as well as community feedback is used as part of the tasking process.

Along with Police Scotland the council are also discussing opportunities to implement a community speedwatch scheme to support local communities in their own efforts to discourage speeding.

Peeblesshire News:

Councillor Julie Pirone, chair of the CAT Oversight Group: “We continue to receive feedback from constituents across the region regarding speeding and the Community Action Team will target complaint locations over the coming months where there is evidence of a road casualty problem.

“Recognising the many competing priorities for Police Scotland, but also the issue of speeding for our communities, we are also keen to look at how a community speedwatch scheme could help tackle the issue locally. This is something we know that a number of community councils are already interested in being involved in.”

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Chief Inspector Vinnie Fisher: “Speeding can have a devastating impact on individuals and families where collisions occur, and we continue to focus our resources at locations which represent the greatest risk, in the interest of casualty reduction.

“We continue to work with our partners, exploring a range of measures that may discourage speeding more generally in our towns and villages.”

Tips to stay within the speed limit

Many car drivers unintentionally exceed the speed limit, often without realising it. Drivers are responsible for the speeds at which they choose to drive, but there are some simple and practical things drivers who find it difficult to stay with speed limits can do to help themselves.

Check your speedometer regularly, especially when leaving high speed roads

Know the limits – look for signs, especially at junctions

Remember, speed limits are a maximum, not a target

20’s plenty when kids are about – and may even be too fast

Try no higher than 3rd gear in a 20 or 30 mph limit

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Recognise what makes you speed - keeping up with traffic, overtaking or being tailgated

Concentrate – distracted drivers speed

Slow down when entering villages

Give yourself time – there’s no need to speed and you won’t get there quicker.

Source: The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents