A union leader has described the number of on NHS staff as ‘unacceptable’ and he believes that reported figures are less than the actual cases.

More than 18,000 assaults on NHS staff were reported last year. These numbers include around 1,000 in the Borders region.

Workers at the Scottish Ambulance Service reported 832 attacks, including three aggravated assaults with intent to kill, multiple reports of being spat at, punched or kicked, and six sexual assaults.

Unison has called on the Scottish Government and Scotland’s health boards to implement a raft of measures to cut the number of attacks on health service workers.

Peeblesshire News:

They include increasing site security, reporting all incidents to the police, as well as boosting staff numbers to make sure workers have the time to report incidents.

UNISON Scotland’s head of health, Matt Mclaughlin said: “One assault on NHS staff is one too many. Over 18,000 assaults of NHS staff is simply unacceptable.

“And we are under no doubt that there is considerable under reporting. Working in the NHS is stressful enough without having to worry about your personal safety. NHS boards must take a zero-tolerance approach and improve the reporting system which NHS staff have little faith in.

“While NHS boards must invest in dynamic risk assessments, staff training and reporting systems, it is vital that the Scottish government tackles the staffing crisis in the NHS. They must recruit and invest in staff so they can reduce waiting times and ensure there are adequate staff to deal with difficult situations with patients.”

Matt added: “Staff are under huge pressure due to the staffing crisis in the NHS and they need time to report incidents. NHS staff have little trust in the current DATIX reporting system. They need to know if they report something it will be dealt with there and then and that the police will be called.”

Health Secretary Humza Yousaf also condemned the attacks and warned of the consequences of doing so.

“Assaults on patients or staff are completely unacceptable, and everyone has the right to access healthcare, or their place of work, without fear of verbal or physical abuse,” he said.

“The courts have extensive powers to deal robustly with assaults.

“All instances of violent behaviour, including sexual assaults, should be reported and escalated to the police as quickly as possible.”

Unison has called on the Scottish Government and Scotland’s health boards to implement a raft of measures to cut the number of attacks on health service workers.

They include increasing site security, reporting all incidents to the police, as well as boosting staff numbers to make sure workers have the time to report incidents.