PUPILS from Kelso High School visited Parliament in Westminster last month as part of their Modern Studies trip to London.

The class were taken on an interactive tour by the UK Parliament Education team.

And afterwards they took part in a Q&A session with their local MP John Lamont.

Fiona James, Social Subjects teacher at Kelso High School said: “During our Modern Studies trip, senior pupils got the opportunity to quiz John Lamont which they fully engaged with and enjoyed.

“It was great to see behind the scenes at the Parliament during his tour and to get into some places where the public normally wouldn't be allowed. We really appreciate John giving up his time.”

Mr Lamont was also able to take the students to different parts of the Palace of Westminster that are usually off limits for those on standard tours, including the New Palace Yard, the Terrace, and Portcullis House.

He said: “I love welcoming local residents and groups from the Borders to Parliament.

“I had to answer some brilliant questions from the Kelso High School Modern Studies class during their trip to Westminster. It is heartening to see the next generation so engaged with the political process.

“Being able to show people around the magnificent Parliament buildings as well as give some insight into the daily work of an MP is really important for increasing understanding.

“I am always happy to assist Borderers and local groups to get a free tour of Parliament or attend debates when they are in London. For schools, there are also travel grants available to help with the cost of coming down to London.”