A WARNING has been issued after a pickup truck and quad bikes were stolen during a number of recent incidents in the Borders.

The thefts and attempted thefts took place between January 29 and February 1, according to police.

A Mitsubishi L200 pickup truck and a red Honda quad bike were stolen from a farm near Ladykirk overnight during the first incident.

Then on January 31 a door to an outbuilding at a farm near Saughtree was forced and two men were viewed on CCTV acting suspiciously in the farmyard – although nothing was taken.

In another incident, a Honda 420 quad bike and a Honda 90 Trax quad bike were stolen from a farm near the A697 at Lauder between January 31 and February 1.

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Meanwhile, at around 2.30am on February 1 police say thieves were scared off by an alarm activating after cutting a padlock securing a barn at another farm near the A697 at Lauder.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Enquiries into these incidents are ongoing. If you have any information regarding these crimes please contact us on 101.

“Alternatively, you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers 100 per cent anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their anonymous online form at http://ow.ly/dAxQ50ELTJK”

The spokesperson added: “We currently have a number of free wireless perimeter security alarm kits as part of a bespoke pack containing up to date advice and information on crime prevention methods.

“Any farm that would like a kit & pack as part of a crime prevention visit can use the Contact Us form on the Police Scotland website.”