DRIVERS will face 20mph speed limits in 80 towns and villages after Scottish Borders Council (SBC) formally backed the move.

Elected members approved the 18-month trial during the full council on August 27.

The changes have been welcomed by campaigners from Stow Community Council and Stow Community Trust.

Ross Murphy, a member of Stow Community Council, said: "We hope this trial will improve road safety through the village and make it a better environment for children, pedestrians and cyclists to move around and stay active."

The pilot project will receive £1.2 million of funding from the Spaces for People programme, which is funded by the Scottish Government.

Grace Murray, of Stow Community Trust, said: "We are absolutely delighted. During the coronavirus lockdown we noticed how much local people were enjoying walking in and around Stow and enjoying the spaces we have here.

“The 20mph trial should encourage them to continue to do so.

"A lot of people from across Stow are positive about the trial and enthusiastic about embracing it.

"It will hopefully lead to less use of cars and more active travel."

The new speed limits, applying to existing 30mph roads, will be brought into effect between October and December, with a report being issued to the council after a year. The report will contain guidance on whether the new limits should be kept in place.

Trunk roads which run through towns and villages will not be included in the project, meaning the following routes will not be affected: the A68, A7 south of Galashiels, A6091 Melrose Bypass, A702 and A1. However, talks are ongoing with Transport Scotland.

Councillor Gordon Edgar, SBC’s executive member for roads and infrastructure, said: "Since we announced the Spaces for People programme in the Scottish Borders, there has been considerable discussion about the various projects, in particular the 20mph pilot in our towns and villages.

"It’s worth reiterating that this is a trial but has the potential to help our communities’ lead healthier lifestyles, which is why we want to work with Sustrans Scotland to try out these new measures.

"Advanced notification will be provided to the public ahead of the new 20mph limit being introduced in their communities."

A full list of the towns and villages getting the 20mph limit can be found by visiting: